Refereed Journal Articles
Locating critical play on Roblox: glitching and (re)placement as methods of public access and transnational belonging
Expanding reader-response: Tracing emergence, nested ontology, and affect across playful activities
Pedagogies: An International Journal 1-17, November 2024
Authors: Alex Corbitt, K. Jones, S. Storm, L. Carter-Stone
Playing with identities: Negotiating coauthorship and role-playing interactions across game and metagame talk
Speculative F(r)ictions: A Youth Restorying Horror and Monstrosity
Playing toward multiplicity: Disorienting intra-actions with materials and learning in an escape room
Digital Culture & Education 14(5), December 2023
Authors: Ali Blake, Melita Morales, Jon Wargo, Alex Corbitt
Literary play gone viral: delight, intertextuality, and challenges to normative interpretations through the digital serialization of Dracula
English Teaching: Practice & Critique 22(2), April 2023
Authors: Karis Jones, Scott Storm, Alex Corbitt
Humanizing Horror:
Rereading Monstrosity in Popular Literature
The English Journal 112(2):85-92, November 2022
Authors: Karis Jones, Alex Corbitt, Scott Storm
Fabricating response: Preservice elementary teachers remediating response to The Circuit through 3D printing and design
Curriculum Inquiry, December 2022
Authors: Jon M. Wargo, Melita Morales, Alex Corbitt
Sounding escape: examining the sonic contours of play and story in The Author’s Enigma
Mind, Culture, and Activity, 2022
Authors: Jon M. Wargo, Melita Morales, Ali R. Blake, Alex Corbitt, Joseph Madres
Encountering Unnatural E-Literature: Tracing Interpretation and Relationality Across Multimodal Response and Digital Annotation
English in Education 56(4), June 2021
Authors: Alex Corbitt, Jon M. Wargo, Clare O'Connor
Revising Resistance: A Step Toward Student-Centered Activism.
Voices from the Middle 27(2): 28-31, December 2019
Authors: Alex Corbitt
Book Chapters
More Mirrors, Windows, and Sliding Doors: A Period of Growth in African American Young Adult Literature
Varian Johnson: Discovering the Mysteries of our Past through The Parker Inheritance - pages 67-72
Author: Alex Corbitt
Already Readers and Writers: Honoring Students' Rights to Read and Write in the Middle Grade Classroom
Teen Activists: Designing Curricula Today, Shaping the World Tomorrow - pages 65-71
Author: Alex Corbitt
The Ethics of Digital Literacy: Developing Knowledge and Skills Across Grade Levels
Moving beyond Troll Rhetoric and Facilitating Productive Online Discourse
Authors: Priscilla Thomas, Alex Corbitt
Unsettling Education: Searching for Ethical Footing in a Time of Reform
Pedagogies of Resistance: Reflecting on the Successes and Challenges of Humanizing Classrooms in a Time of Standardization and Accountability
Authors: Matthew Homrich-Knieling, Alex Corbitt
Invited Reviews & Book Contributions
Literacies Before Technologies: Making Digital Tools Matter for Middle Grades Learners
Contribution - pages 138-140
Alex Corbitt
Elevating Equity and Justice: Ten U.S. Supreme Court Cases Every Teacher Should Know
Continuing the Journey: Becoming a Better Teacher of Literature and Informational Texts
Contribution - pages 38-39
Alex Corbitt